The story of Numerien and Betha Numerien came to work perfectly dressed as always. I rather decided to go natural today. It’s chilly outside today. Numerien was very anxious this morning because his wife Betha was coming. Numerien lives in Gisenyi in a hostel while the wife lives in his town with the 4 kids. In his home town near Rutegroc, we will be there on Tuesday are the salaries very low. Numerien makes about 370 USD a month This is still too low for the responsibilities relating to his function and the time he invests. On top of that he pays a hostel / lodgement 5 days a week. His oldest son is in boarding school and comes home 4 times a year. The smallest is 2 years old. The other 2 are in primary school. While the wife came to Gisenyi to return to Rutegroc with Numerien in the evening, the 12 year old is responsible of the 2 other children. Numerien’s wife named Betha is a primary school teacher and makes 40 USD a month. Horrible ! I knew that Betha was coming today so I went through my suitcase to find a gift. Everything I brought can be left in Rwanda. That was my initial plan every outfit, accessory or whatsoever can be given away as a gift. So I decided to give her earrings, a bracelet and a ring that I had bought in Antwerp from Enchante Fine Jewelry. It’s very nice black pearls, white pearls, silver and CZ stones. I also had a big bottle of expensive Guerlain perfume with me that I had received as a gift myself. I decided to pack this in the local brown bag and gift it to her. She was so happy she had never owned a bottle of perfume in her life! I can’t imagine that as a woman. Since I was 4 I had been collecting perfume. The ring was flashy and her size. I don’t see many women wearing jewelry so it was the perfect gift for her. This afternoon, Numerien is giving me a break he is going with his wife in town and he wants me to nap. Not realizing the strategic plan is a lot of work and I will be working from my hotel this afternoon. I plan to nap all day on Sunday. The taxibus on the way home was full of babies not even 3 months old. Literally full full! It was reeking like pipi diapers considering I didn’t eat breakfast complete nausea hit me. As a result Numerien and I decided to discuss family planning. He thought I managed my family planning with 1 kid. He said his wife has tried all birth control pills, the injection, everything and it makes her very sick. So they had decided to carefully play Russian roulette in the bed but she got pregnant at 41. I had to laugh so hard when he told me this. I am telling you people always share their personal things with me and Oops now I am writing it on a blog. Numerien said the government has programs everywhere to introduce family planning but the pills give moods wings to the women.
I bet he will be doing a lot of family planning management this weekend. Now I am alone in Gisenyi because the bookkeeper is in Kigali for training. Back to work.