I have so many vaccinations from travelling all over the world and the most important vaccine to enter Rwanda with has expired. A quick stop at the Antwerp Tropical Institute ( ) will do. I hate needles…pff…
What else is on the list ?
Guy Callebout, the coordinator for Rwanda Exchangevzw told me to pack a flashlight, umbrella, a rain coat and copy my passports. I ordered an impregnated pop up mosquito net as my hotel has no AC and I can’t live without AC. I ordered a mosquito net for my hat that I can use during the gorilla hike, I bought more mosquito sprays, a first aid kit with emergency blanket, Gopro Hero camera, power bank, trekking boots, backpack, poncho, sleeping bag, towels and A SELFIESTICK! I am also packing a ton of granola bars for the long working hours! My suitcases are jam packed I am ready to experience the best or the worst as I have tons of medication with me.
I am totally ready to leave but afraid at the same time. Afraid that I will love Rwanda so much that it will be hard for me to return from the mission.
On this note night night.