Official launch of the week of microcredit 2016!
Today our office at the honour to launch the 5th edition of the annual Week of microcredit. During this week we promote the power of entrepreneurship in Belgium. We try to show Europe that Microfinance is a tool out of poverty and battles social exclusion. More events to come and will be posted.
European Commissioner, Marianne Thyssen pledge her support to fight poverty through Microfinance and entrepreneurship. She had the opportunity to meet Entrepreneur Author of Nigerian descent Chris Dahi, Joan’s manicure and pedicure, Slavica’s cupcakes, Ciprian Petcu of Adhoc catering and King Franky of Shakuma Fitness. Also present were CEO of VDAB Fons Leroy, Minister of State Ph.Maystad, CEO of Microfinance agency Hefboom and Maria Nowak of ADIE International!