ey Insights on Modern-Day Slavery in the Renewable Energy Sector

1️⃣Underreported Issue:

Modern-day slavery is a concerning issue within the renewable energy sector. However, it remains largely underreported.

2️⃣Reporting Gaps:

Energy companies are falling short in fulfilling their reporting obligations under modern-day slavery legislation.

An alarming statistic reveals that just 37% of these companies meet the minimum requirements for the legislation they are obligated to report under.

3️⃣Hidden Human Exploitation:

Behind the push for cleaner and more sustainable energy, there's a darker reality. Modern-day slavery often hides within the supply chains of renewable energy projects, illustrating the need for stricter oversight.

4️⃣Transparency Challenges:

The lack of transparency in the sector poses a significant challenge. Improved reporting and accountability mechanisms are vital to uncover and address instances of exploitation.

5️⃣Collective Responsibility:

The fight against modern-day slavery in the renewable energy sector should be a collective effort. Governments, industry leaders, and consumers all play a crucial role in raising awareness and driving change.

🚫⛓️ Even an renewable energy company can be unsustainable if there's modern day slavery lurking in its supply chain.

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Data: @walkfree