I woke up like this… #iwokeuplikethis 🎶 I barely slept, I decided not to take a Tylenol pm as I went to bed late but that was a big mistake. The mosque was singing all nights and the day starts before 6AM here. I can’t manage to sleep more than 4 hours naturally. I read somewhere that a sleeping pattern of 6 to 8 hours is not natural. Back in the days people slept naturally in intervals throughout day and night. That rhythm would be something for me because having to lay in a bed more than 6 hours is generally torture for me. I dreamt about Queen Mathilda (maybe because she is visiting microStart for European microfinance day?) and I wondered what Cookie was doing in the first episode of the new Empire season. Is Lucious still in jail? Someone answer please. So I have been up for quite a while this morning thinking about how I can elaborate the strategic plan. I didn’t eat breakfast and didn’t drink anything. Not in the mood. I will munch on my new favourite fruit again! Today I am going to visit a tea microfinance and savings institution. I am eager to learn what their methodologies are and compare them to our work at microStart. Every day I decide carefully what to wear in order to not offend anyone. Yesterday I wore a long skirt and that was the perfect outfit for galavanting in the tea plantation. Before coming to Rwanda I read that locals in the countryside always wear long skirts and females wearing pants is for foreigners. It’s pretty much true I haven’t seen any local women with pants  in the hinterland. So I bought a lot of long skirts in Belgium and brought them here. People seem to appreciate it when women wear skirts. Dragging a heavily packed Longchamp purse and wearing Steve Maddden flats was a mistake though. Climbing over those rigs with that purse was a nightmare. Back to the backpack! The Steven Maddden flats killed my toes and were tossed to the thrash can when I got home. It caused blisters and burns. In the fields I saw a man with a toe wound and decided to help him. I finally got to use the medical kit that I have been carrying with me every day! Numerien thought I was being generous but hey I wish people stopped me in the streets in Belgium to help me if I had an injury. My philosophy be kind to strangers! Enjoy today !