By Mahdi Ehsaei
The photographic series shows a side of Iran, which is unknown by even Iranians. A trip to a place which is inhabited and dominated by the descendants of slaves and traders from Africa.
The Hormozgan province in the Persian Gulf is a traditional and historical region with a diverse and unexplored population. It is framed with unique landscapes and people with profound personalities. Iranians, who still have African blood in them and continue their African heritage with their clothing style, their music, their dance and their oral traditions and rituals.
The resulting portraits reveal new facets and unfamiliar faces, which are not typical for the common picture of Iran. They show details documenting the centuries-long history of this ethnic minority. A confrontation between the Persian culture and the, for Iran unusual, African consciousness.
A surprisingly new experience for the viewer, which shows the current presence of Afro-Iranians in Iran.
Please follow this link to pre-order the book:
1 op 8 Vlamingen vrijwilligt
microStart werkt met veel vrijwilligers die de organisatie ondersteunen. Onwe vrijwilligers coachen onze micro ondernemers na opstart. Sommige van onze vrijwilligers zetelen in de raad van bestuur van onze vzw, vertegenwoordigen het krediet comité, geven zakelijk advies aan ondernemers alvorens zij opstarten. Vrijwilligerswerk en terug geven aan de gemeenschap speelt een belangrijke rol in onze samenleving. Daarom verschieten we ook niet van de nieuwe resultaten over vrijwilligerswerk van de Koning Boudewijnstichting.
Het rapport over het Vrijwilligerswerk in België van de Koning Boudewijnstichting werd eergisteren 19 Oktober voorgesteld. Het rapport is een kwantitatieve analyse – dat de resultaten weergeeft na een bevraging van 10.000 Belgen over hun engagement als vrijwilliger. Hiermee is België het zesde land (na Polen, Hongarije, Portugal, Italië, Ierland) in de Europese Unie dat de studie uitvoert, gebaseerd op een min of meer gelijkaardige vragenlijst (gebaseerd op het Handboek van de IAO).
Enkele algemeenheden
Uit het rapport blijkt dat 13,9 % van de Vlamingen vrijwilligt, of ongeveer één op acht, opmerkelijk lager dan de 1 op 5 die vaak door allerlei bronnen werd geciteerd. We geven het toe, we hadden op een iets hoger percentage gehoopt maar uiteindelijk mogen we niet vergeten dat meer dan 750.000 Vlamingen zich toch dagelijks inzetten in allerlei activiteiten en sectoren. Het vrijwilligerswerk laat economische sectoren zoals de landbouw en de financiële sector achter zich als je het aantal werkuren vergelijkt.
Vanzelfsprekend levert het vrijwilligerswerk een aanzienlijk sociaal kapitaal op; maar even duidelijk is de economische meerwaarde van al dat vrijwilligen: in heel het land verrichten vrijwilligers over 6000 activiteiten per dag, wat ongeveer overeenstemt met 130.000 Fte.
De toppers blijken de sportsector en de socioculturele sector te zijn, en ook heel de dienstverlenende sector zet heel wat vrijwilligerswerk in beweging.
Enkele bijzonderheden
De studie bevat niet enkel interessante lectuur voor de liefhebber. Ze geeft de opportuniteit enkele pijnpunten bloot te leggen.
Zo was er een algemene verwachting dat er meer gevrijwilligd zou worden in België, en in Vlaanderen. Niet dus. In vergelijking met de andere EU-landen waar het vrijwilligerswerk werd gemeten, scoren we niet ondermaats, maar we wisten al eerder dat we eerder middelmatig waren op dit vlak. Een verklaring is te vinden in culturele verschillen, in verschillen op sociaal en politiek vlak, maar misschien ook in het al dan niet comfortabel zijn van het algemeen klimaat? Vrijwilligers hebben het immers niet altijd gemakkelijk om te vrijwilligen en vandaar dat we ook uitkijken naar de ontwikkeling en realisatie van een Vlaams gecoördineerd vrijwilligersbeleid, dat wellicht maatregelen zal voorstellen om effectief een vrijwilligersvriendelijk klimaat te ontwikkelen: waar de vrijwilliger zich gewaardeerd, ondersteund, beschermd weet en niet te vaak botst op regelgeving die hem/haar de lust ontnemen te blijven vrijwilligen.
Er schort iets aan de toegankelijkheid van het vrijwilligerswerk. Mensen met een lagere opleiding en met een lagere socio-economische status vrijwilligen immers minder dan wie hoger opgeleid is en een ‘gemakkelijker’ leven leidt. Zoeken naar tactieken om het vrijwilligerswerk (vermits het de deur opent naar sociale netwerken, competentie-ontwikkeling,…) aantrekkelijker te maken voor mensen die er thans de weg niet of moeilijk naar vinden; is essentieel. Op voorwaarde natuurlijk dat vrijwilligen een keuze is en blijft waarbij de wilsautonomie van het individu centraal staat.
Een derde interessant punt is de inzet van de jeugd. Jongeren vrijwilligen vaak, engageren zich veel uren en zijn, in tegenstelling tot wat soms beweerd wordt, goed vertegenwoordigd in het vrijwilligerswerk. Het rapport nuanceert het idee dat het ouderen zijn die zo veelvuldig vrijwilligen. Dat beeld klopt niet met de realiteit: het is net een ondervertegenwoordigde groep, en bevat dus groeipotentieel.
Enkele besluiten
Het dikke rapport bevat een schat aan informatie, die de komende weken en maanden verder uitgespit kan worden. Vanuit het Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw zullen we de elementen die uit het rapport gepuurd kunnen worden, verder uitgediept en geanalyseerd worden om er relevante beleidsaanbevelingen uit te puren.
Transforming Africa's Agriculture for Growth and Development
Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for Growth and Development - Delegates Converge On Dakar for Landmark Conference: Some 400 participants including Finance, Planning, Economy, Agriculture, Rural Development, Trade and Industry Ministers as well as Central Bank Governors are joining business leaders, academia, investment agencies, civil society and global experts in Dakar from October 21-23, to discuss the future of Africa’s agriculture.
The conference on “Feeding Africa” is jointly organised by the African Development Bank and the Government of Senegal.
1st European Microfinance Day “What if we could turn job seekers into job creators? “
Many of you, send me messages whether my blog would stop after the mission in Rwanda. Off course it won’t stop! Microfinance is my job but it is also my life, my lifestyle and so this blog won’t stop, my work continues.
Yesterday was the first European Microfinance Day, this initiative was developed by the European Microfinance Network (EMN) and the Microfinance Centre (MFC). The 1st European Microfinance Day (EMD), 20th October 2015, aimed at raising awareness of microfinance as a tool to fight social exclusion and unemployment in Europe. The event helped political decision makers to understand the benefits of microfinance and gave them some lines of a policy agenda for the development of the sector. It also drew the attention of European media to show how microfinance actually works in Europe. At the same time EMD showed support to European citizens, unemployed or excluded from the traditional financial sector. The event was inaugurated by her Royal Highness Queen Mathilde of Belgium.
(Photo of Queen Mathilde of Belgium, smiling at the 1st European microfinance day.)
Maria Nowak, founder of the largest microfinance agency in France, ADIE: L’association pour le droit à l’initative économique; sitting next to Queen Mathilde of Belgium.
The welcome note was given by the Belgian Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Ms Marianne Thyssen. (See below in photo.)
The speakers’ panel was composed of MEP, Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), Dr Paul Rübig; Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Pim Van Ballekom; Former President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and President of microStart, Mr Philippe Maystadt. Patrick Sapy, General Manager at microStart (YES, YES OUR CEO )and President of EMN, and Ms Lucija Popovska,
Habitat for Humanity International and Board member of the Microfinance Centre, chaired the high
level opening session for the First European Microfinance Network!
In this photo, Patrick Sapy, CEO of microStart and President of EMN sitting next to Belgian Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Ms Marianne Thyssen.
Questions raised to stakeholders were the following:
1. Is the current Microfinance definition appropriate for the sector? 2. Are the EU programmes for Microfinance conveniently designed and implemented for the sector’s needs? 3. How could the different regulatory frameworks at national level be better adapted to the development of the sector? 4. Should the EU programmes reinforce specific support measures for the provision of all the non-financial services offered by the sector?
Our CEO, had asked to select as one of the guests, a microfinance customer from the 5 microStart offices in Belgium In Antwerp, we had selected Francis Abutoh, King Franky (of Nigerian origin) owner of Shakuma Fitness. King Franky reinvented fitness by meeting African rhythms. Everyone loved Zumba Fitness and I am convinced that King Franky will conquer the world with Shakuma Fitness! He is a fighter, a great entrepreneur and definitely knows how to shaket that bum bum. Next to Shakuma fitness, he is also starting up, an African fitness fashion line. I am definitely, customer to his new urban wear collection.
Our microfinance Antwerp entrepreneur, Francis Abutoh aka King Franky, owner of Shakuma Fitness sitting next to Maria Nowak, Founder of ADIE and HRH Queen Mathilde of Belgium. He didn’t get the chance to speak to her but he sure got a good picture with her. Too bad, he didn’t get a chance to invite her to join Shakuma because I am sure she would have loved it!
The Queen seemed very happy at the event and I hope she continues to support microfinance in Belgium!
The first European microfinance day was in partnership with European Economic and Social Committee & supported by European Investment Fund, European Investment Bank, European Investment Bank Institute, The government of Luxemburg and with financial support of the European Commission.
Rwanda Broadcast Agency
The last few days has been exploring Kigali’s finest restaurants, a concert but one more last piece for work. Final interview with Rwanda Broadcast Agency for its radio station. The interview took place in the Mirror Hotel in Rumera. The purpose of the interview was to present Exchangevzw, BNPParibas Benevolab and plea for the cause of the poor tea farmers in the Tea Farmers Union of Crete Congo Nil in Gisenyi. The interview will be completely dubbed in Kinyarwandan :)
Journalist RBA: Pacifique Emmanuel Niyitegeka
Thanks at Peter Vankerckhove for the help!
Oui c'était #formidable @stromae @stromaeforlife #kigali #ulk #rwanda #stromae
#genocide propaganda radio in #murabi #genocide #memorial #rwanda Read my blog post on History of Rwanda, the story of #Stromae and no hello from the Prime Minister.
History of Rwanda and of Stromae Genocide Memorial Murabi
I am back in Kigali with Nausicaa’s parents, Anne Marie and Joseph from Chez Lando. I had a long conversation with Anne Marie about the situation of current Rwanda and the history of Rwanda. We discussed her family’s life story and later Joseph joined us. I told them about my journey for Exchangevzw and Benevolab BNP Paribas Fortis. They had to laugh with the chicken car ride from Rutsiro. It was a lovely evening with wine, I have become part of the family. As Anne Marie and Joseph, have become my Rwandan parents. Nausicaa is blessed with parents like that and off course they are blessed with Nausicaa. I am going to be sad to leave them. Anne Marie also had visitors, the aunt of Stromae. Nausicaa and Anne Marie are related to him. The aunt, the sister of Stromae late father looks exactly like him. I was surprised. No introduction was needed, I immediately recognised his face in her. I am not going to write out family details as the situation is very similar to what I went through with my mother 11 years ago and 4 years ago with my Nigerian siblings. Meeting close relatives for the first time in your life is very tough, emotional and painful. Especially when they look like you and remember you while you have no memory of such. On top of that distant family members of Stromae are abusing his name for personal gain which makes his situation even more difficult as he is a celebrity. I am excited for the concert but I hope that he gets to spend time with the family. He is on a very tight schedule and closed off by his entourage. Everyone is very careful and very sensitive. As this is his private story that should not be exploited by any journalist.
All this writing brought me back to my visit in i Murabi was a school under construction before genocide. Genociders, priests and the French Army told Tutsi’s that they would be safe if they all came down the mountains to the school. The area is surrounded by hills. The school can be seen from any angle. When the hutsis were all brought to the school wether by free will or force, they were all slaughtered. 50,000 children and parents were killed in this school! Many of the bodies remained preserved due to the fertile soil. I saw rooms and rooms full of bodies. Some type of chalk was poured over the bodies to reduce the smell. Ten thousands of dead bodies all stacked into rooms. Babies laying on mother’s chest. You could see how they were killed. Skulls were bashed in. Small kids, mothers with the baby still on back slaughtered and still laying in the same position. Complete families murdered. It is horrible to see. Some bodies still had hair on their heads, that’s how good they were preserved by nature. A sign from God to never forget. Rooms full of clothing of victims. New clothes were stolen from the body. Only old rags were kept. Genociders looted everything. After genocider people went into their neighbour’s house and found their furniture and clothes. Imagine ? Outside on the school fields, there are signs were the French military were playing volleyball while the genociders were killing 50,000 people. Those army soldiers enjoyed soccer and volleyball on the school ground. It is almost proven now that the plane of the President before genocide whom had agreed with the Arusha Accords was taken down by the French. 38 years of research to come up with a yes the French Army/ secret service was probably implicated. The museum (past school under construction) starts with saying before colonization, we were all Rwandans. After colonization…. You know what happens. In the genocide memorials, one clearly sees how the international community was the cause of Africa’s poverty and instability. Unfortunately today, the African continent including Rwanda, hasn’t been released from the continuous meddling of European countries. An unstable Africa keeps the balance of power in the world. I always wonder why the West can accuse Developing countries of denying human rights, running dictatorships while no African President is allowed to comment on the West. If they are not operating in favour of the West, instability will be created, aid will stop and let’s call it dark foreign forces will penetrate into the country causing wars. At the end is the people that suffer. The West has drawn a character for African to which they should fit. The image of the poor African has to be remained. Today, the media continues to play a role in this. #whatthemediadoesntshowyouofafrica was a great hashtag campaign of the youth to show what Africa really is. A beautiful continent in development full of competences, talent and resources. However, there is a saying in Africa, the African owns the land but the diamonds inside belong to the foreigners. Sad, sad and times are changing to slowly due too much international involvement and restrictions within the continent. Rich countries like Congo for example are a total mess. It’s the international community playing field. Rwanda has decided that they no longer want to be forced to depend. They created a country fund named Agashiro, here all citizens can deposit money for the country. In case of instantly caused by external forces, Rwanda can depend on its own aid. They have had enough and had a tough lesson in history. I can only cheer for this country and hope other African leaders can follow this example. At the moment, the international community is trying to portray Rwanda as a dictatorship. Trust me, come and see you will learn its far off. Yesterday in the Splendid Hotel in Muhanga, Gitarama, I ran into the Prime Minister, Anastese Murakeze. His security officers had pushed me aside. I first didn’t know, what was going on. I said, who is coming as I saw big tinted cars. The rude over confident guy said: go back you will see. You will immediately recognise him. I thought the car was entering the hotel or something because why would a person need so much space ? Then a tall man in a suit walked in at fast pace. No greetings at all. For a PM, I think you should take time to greet people, your electorate. It was the Prime Minister of Rwanda. His car was closed and the engine was running. I am not sure what this is supposed to me. They got back in their convey and started driving fast. I was in front with the driver. Due to their high speed, they missed the exit. This was silly! Apparently President Kamage doesn’t even behave this way but people below him do ? I am used to seeing this behaviour in West Africa but in Rwanda? Nooo… People agreed with me, that this attitude is not tolerated and I should let the PM know.